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Our story

We started our marketing journey in 2017. At our house we have 18 orange trees. Our Mother said that we should hand out free orange juice at our house, so we did. The next day we set up at 7:00 and in the end we made $20 of donations. Considering that the juice was free. Us as cousins talked about the stall that we did, and had an idea of making a bigger stall. We sold cotton candy, lolly bags, orange juice and lots more. In the end making $150 not including donations. We had $55 Donations to MPS which one of our cousin sadly has. The amount of money we made from this stall. We thought, “let’s do another one”. Many Facetime calls later, the day came. This stall was even bigger adding about 10 different things to the price list. This increased are earnings from about $170 to $370. We were now very keen of making a logo a Facebook sight, an email a website and a proper name. That’s what we did, and we came up with what it is today, SUNSET LANE.

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